Harpenden Photographic Society Rules
Meetings and Membership
Membership Subscriptions
Methods of Achieving Aims
Subject to the Committee’s direction, the following activities shall be arranged:
Notification of Rules
The membership shall be kept informed of the rules and of any changes to them agreed by the Committee.
Revised and issued to HPS Members June 2015.
HPS Chairman
- The Society shall meet on the first and third Tuesday in the month from September to June inclusive.
- Potential members may attend three meetings before deciding to join.
- Country Membership at a reduced annual subscription shall be available to those members who have moved out of the area (more than 30 miles) but wish to attend the occasional meeting.
- Non-members and Country Members shall not be allowed to vote at the Annual General Meeting, enter competitions or take part in the Annual Exhibition.
- No member shall, without the consent of the Committee, make a statement about the Society’s business to the media or other bodies.
Membership Subscriptions
- The annual subscription shall be payable within one month of the start of each new season, otherwise membership may be automatically terminated. A membership badge shall be issued annually.
- Once membership fees have been accepted and a membership badge issued, subscriptions shall not be refundable, either in full or in part, should membership cease for any reason whatsoever. On cessation of membership, any membership badge previously issued shall be returned to the Society.
Methods of Achieving Aims
Subject to the Committee’s direction, the following activities shall be arranged:
- An annual programme of meetings, lectures, competitions and events
- Members’ evenings and workshops in which members demonstrate and pass on knowledge and techniques to other members
- Lectures by leading photographers, giving advice, passing on tips and methods, and encouraging creative thinking
- Regular Society competitions for various aspects of photography leading to annual awards. The Committee shall determine the rules for the competitions
- Regional competitions with other clubs in the Eastern and Chiltern Regions
- Work with other local groups to produce a photographic record of their activities throughout the seasons, i.e. Harpenden in Bloom, local council initiatives, Harpenden Trust’s charitable initiatives, Brownie groups etc. Help them to produce literature, calendars and archive material.
- Organise and produce the Annual Exhibition of members’ work in a central Harpenden venue; exhibit about 200 images aiming at an attendance of 400 or more; no entry charge shall be made.
- Actively recruit new members, using the Annual Exhibition, other local events and advertising as the main points of contact with those interested in photography
- Encourage cooperation with local educational establishments and other groups in the community to further the understanding and enjoyment of photography
- Use the Society’s web site to promote a wider awareness of the society, its aims, its members’ work, its programme and other interesting aspects; also to aid the formation of links with other clubs.
Notification of Rules
The membership shall be kept informed of the rules and of any changes to them agreed by the Committee.
Revised and issued to HPS Members June 2015.
HPS Chairman