Our portfolio session produced a variety of different photos, as it always does, and the chance to see and discuss what we have been producing recently.
We had two presentations, both showing the work of favourite photographers. Iain introduced us to Donato Chirulli, an Italian street photographer who I thought produced a variety of work in noticeably different styles - see https://donatochirulli.it/. I showed the work of Richard Martin. I felt he managed to find beautiful images in the detail of the scene, some times abstract, but not always. See http://www.richardmartinphoto.com/.
We then had a lengthy discussion on the format of the ESIG, following the changes we made at the start of this year. This is me trying to ensure ESIG is delivering what the group is looking for. I had some feedback during the year, both good and not so good. We've had a couple of members resign from the group, and other reduce their attendance. Equally we have attracted new members, and retained a core group of regulars. I see the purpose of the group to be about sharing and learning from each other, discovering outside photographer that are interesting and even inspirational. The group is slowly changing. The end game remains unchanged, which is to is to enjoy the evening, and over time to improve our own photography and expand the way we 'see' images - to expand our 'visual vocabulary'. So more about the images and less about the technicalities.
Specific comments I've received about the current format include the following:
- the three way split between talks, portfolio sessions and favourite photographers is ok.
- broad approval of the 'portfolio sessions' as being a chance to share and discuss without being competitive, although sometimes the feedback we give is too polite.
- possible that we have become a bit academic is recent months
- more showing of 'favourite photographers' would be welcome
- more technical content would be welcome where relevant
- there is a mixed view regarding Zoom, which is liked by some, but definitely not by others.
We meet again in September at the start of the new season. I'll get in touch nearer the time and tweak our format a little in light of the above. If anyone has any further comments on how the group should evolve please let me know over the summer.